The sectors with significant trends are: Agriculture, Construction, Information and communication, Public Administration. Three criteria (GVA and GFCF growth&share, increased number of entities) were used in selection of sectors for further research and identification of potential for digital transformation.
Analysis of statistical data shows that potential for digitalisation is most manifest in construction, ICT sector, agriculture and rural development, tourism, renewable energy sources, processing industry and waste management. The support of these sectors opens opportunities in the green and digital transformation of the sectors, as follows:
According to analysis of sectors in table above, five sectors were identified: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities; Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Construction, Public administration and ICT sector
The ranking with high, medium and low potential is estimated regarding to role of the sectors to participate in achieving the objectives in energy scenario and circular economy scenario set up by national Strategic documents.